Hurricane Safety Tips

As Hurricane Irma rapidly approaches South Florida, our Dr Marimon wishes to share a few pertinent tips for the physical and psychological well being of our children. In the interim, please stay safe and sheltered. Although our offices will be physically closed due to the impending storm, we remain available for our patients via ourContinue reading “Hurricane Safety Tips”

Evita infeccions en la piscina–Un Nuevo Dia

Gracias a Un Nuevo Día y Telemundo por la nueva invitación! La Dra Marimón va hablar en vivo acerva de las enfermedades tramitidas en las piscinas públicas y otros tipos de aguas recreativas. Thank you Un Nuevo Dia and Telemundo for another invitation! Dr Marimón will be speaking live about infectious diseases transmitted in publicContinue reading “Evita infeccions en la piscina–Un Nuevo Dia”